The 4 M’s of Espresso
- Macinazione – the correct grind
- Miscela – the correct coffee blend
- Macchina – the espresso machine
- Mano – the Barista
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As the leading coffee producer and exporter in the world, Brazil’s Agriculture Ministry is beginning to question the 2012 harvest of coffee beans in some of its coffee regions. A cold winter in the Southern Hemisphere is believed to have lasting effects on the crop. Brazilian winters are typically very dry which makes it a…
Have you ever wondered exactly how many coffee beans are in the 1 pound bag of coffee you buy? There’s about 3,250 whole beans in that pound of coffee! However, if you start to count your next bag of coffee you will likely come across some cracked and broken beans, making it difficult to get…
A new analysis looking at coffee drinking and the risk of Parkinsons disease shows that drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day cuts the risk by a quarter. The report looked at 26 studies and coffee drinkers had 25% less risk. It is published in The Journal of Alzheimers Disease. In fact, in this same…
I recently discovered Jonathan’s Card – a pay it forward type experiment where the Starbucks App featuring Jonathan’s gift card is being made available to the public. All you have to do is save the picture to your smart phone and take it in to any Starbucks (apparently it works in the United States but…
If you had to guess what the most traded products are, what would you say? Perhaps the topic of the blog should give you a hint … It’s true – coffee is the second most traded product in the world after petroleum. Coffee is truly a global commodity and second in value only to oil….
A coffee company located in Cicero NY is going green. It already uses wind power for its roasting plant and has over 160 solar panels. The Paul Delima plant has been roasting coffee for over 100 years for many brands. The company also takes the used grounds to the local college to be made into…