Best coffee beans in 2025: The image shows three cups: one with beans, one with coffee and one with coffee and creamer.

Best Coffee Beans in 2025: Top Picks for Every Coffee Lover

That’s Coffee Elevates Your Brew Experience! The summer is here, and while we are enjoying the best coffee beans of the year, we are already thinking ahead about which beans could be popular next year. At That’s Coffee, we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality beans for discerning coffee enthusiasts who understand that not…

Coffee From Around The World
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Coffee From Around The World

Travel with your taste buds for this coffee tour of the globe! One of the best parts about travelling is experiencing the local cuisine. While your mind might conjure a vision of savoury delights and sweet treats, we’re here to explore the coffee! Did you know that coffee beans develop unique characteristics depending on where…

benefits of premium coffee
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Top 5 Benefits of Premium Coffee

While we all have a love for coffee, have you ever stopped to think that it might be healthy for you too?  Sure, we love all things unhealthy for us such as sweets and chocolate.  However, coffee has some really great health benefits, which might surprise you.  What are Premium Coffee Beans? Premium Coffee is…

coffee beans from brick and mortar stores
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Why You Shouldn’t Buy Your Coffee Beans From Brick & Mortar Stores

There are many benefits to buying your coffee beans online.  One of them is pretty obvious, you don’t have to leave your home.  However, while it is convenient, it is also easier to find the right beans and try different beans from the same brand. Sure, we have all heard of the large national brands,…

coffee grounds in your garden
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Tips For Using Coffee Grounds In Your Garden

Coffee houses usually throw out their coffee grounds or K-cups.  It is a waste or by-product of the brewing process.  However, it is great for the garden.  So, if you are getting into gardening, you might want to start making friends with those that work at a coffee house or buy premium coffee to enjoy…

store gourmet coffee beans
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How to Store Gourmet Coffee Beans

Coffee is the lifeblood of most people’s morning routines. Without a fresh pot of gourmet coffee most people would feel sluggish, unmotivated, and easily irritable. To avoid this, we recommend everyone keep a constant supply of properly stored gourmet coffee beans in their kitchen at all times. But how should said coffee be stored? What…


Top 10 Coffees of 2011

Now that 2011 is over we can look back and see what coffees our customers just couldn’t get enough of last year. Sumatra Black Satin Roast African Tanzania Peaberry Kenya AA Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Verdi Espresso (our most popular Espresso coffee beans!) Guatemala Antigua Guatemala Organic Sumatra Gayo Mountain Organic Coffee Colombian Supremo Costa Rica Reserve…