benefits of premium coffee
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Top 5 Benefits of Premium Coffee

While we all have a love for coffee, have you ever stopped to think that it might be healthy for you too?  Sure, we love all things unhealthy for us such as sweets and chocolate.  However, coffee has some really great health benefits, which might surprise you.  What are Premium Coffee Beans? Premium Coffee is…

store gourmet coffee beans
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How to Store Gourmet Coffee Beans

Coffee is the lifeblood of most people’s morning routines. Without a fresh pot of gourmet coffee most people would feel sluggish, unmotivated, and easily irritable. To avoid this, we recommend everyone keep a constant supply of properly stored gourmet coffee beans in their kitchen at all times. But how should said coffee be stored? What…

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Gourmet Coffee Bean Characteristics & Terms

Do you think it’s weird to describe your cup of coffee as acidic, balanced or complex? There are a number of coffee characteristics used to describe the flavor profiles that can originate from the variety of coffee bean, the processing method and the roast. The combination of these factors generates very different flavor profiles in…

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A Visit to Hawaii – Drinking Gourmet Kona Beans Every Morning

I recently spent a week in Hawaii on the beautiful island of Maui enjoying the sandy beaches, snorkeling in the sparkling blue waters and of course … drinking fresh Maui and Kona grown coffee beans. What a delight to have such easy access to Hawaii’s world renowned coffee – some of the most sought after…


Gourmet Coffee Review

Ever wonder what other gourmet coffee lovers are ordering? Our top 10 top coffees include: Sumatra Black Satin Roast (dark roast) African Tanzania Peaberry (light/medium roast) Kenya AA (medium roast) Ethiopia Yirgacheffe (light/medium roast) Sumatra Gayo Mountain Organic (light/medium roast) Verdi Espresso (dark roast) Guatemala Organic Coffee (light/medium roast) Costa Rica Reserve Coffee (light/medium roast)…

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El Salvador Cuzcachapa Cooperative – Naturally Organic Coffee Beans

Voted the “Best Coffee Company in El Salvador” in 2007 the CuzcaCoffee Co-op (also known as the Cuzcachapa Co-operative) has been producing and exporting some of the best coffee beans in the world. The co-op processes over 15 million pounds of 100% Arabica coffee beans each year and about 15,000 bags of specialty coffee. The…

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Tanzania Peaberry Coffee – Unique Gourmet African Coffee

The East African country of Tanzania is just three degrees south of the Equator. Situated right along the world’s coffee belt, this country has become famous for a very particular type of coffee bean – the Peaberry. The country is surrounded by Zambia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya as well as situated along the slopes…